ClimbSci Episode 9: The Ketogenic Diet

by Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN


Carbohydrates ClimbSci Fat

ClimbSci Episode 9: The Ketogenic Diet

It’s been a stretch, but the latest episode of ClimbSci is officially out. Actually, if you’re a subscriber, you’d know it’s been out since around last Friday since Tom generally uploads to SoundCloud the day after recording—so if you want early access to ClimbSci, all you have to do is subscribe!

We covered the ketogenic diet this time; it’s a topic we’re both asked about frequently, and regardless of one’s feelings it’s quite interesting. We go pretty heavy into the biochemistry for the first half and then talk about how that biochemistry would (or wouldn’t) affect weight loss, climbing performance, etc.

In the episode, I found myself wishing I could draw on the screen—which I guess I can in future episodes, I just need to set it up. Since I couldn’t illustrate some of the biochemistry, I’m going to put out a sort of illustrated article next week to try and cover those bases, because again, it was a pretty biochem-heavy episode and I know it can be tricky to follow along with just words.

As always, we’d love to get your feedback on the episode or show, which you can leave here in the comments, email me, message via Facebook, or send in any other preferred method. This goes for questions, as well, either about this episode or really about anything you’re curious about and would like to have us answer. And, if you care to, reviews are always great!

Here’s the episode:



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